Lead in Paint: HUD Seeks Comments on a New Grant Approach
Changing the way communities receive lead hazard reduction funds is significant, and this comment period could shape prevention efforts for years.
Changing the way communities receive lead hazard reduction funds is significant, and this comment period could shape prevention efforts for years.
FDA needs to get the lead and cadmium action levels out by December as promised and then do more to protect millions of infants and young children.
This tool will help millions of customers, homeowners, and potential buyers and renters. However, it is one pixel in a much larger picture of lead in homes.
Predictive modeling provides estimate of LSLs for each utility and can be a platform to provide information on each home.
Indy’s website takes lead hazard transparency to a new level by leveraging AI.
These changes can serve as a model to federal OSHA and other states.
New York State’s rental registry will have a great impact—after it is implemented.
Our research shows low compliance with lead certificates, but the sate’s rental registry could help.
Momentum is building to replace the estimated 9 million lead service lines that still bring water to properties nationwide. To achieve the goal, we need to engage landlords and renters in the process.