Lead in Products: California Sees Risks, Prospects for Safer Alternatives to Lead-Acid Batteries
Inaction for the right reasons might send the wrong message.
Inaction for the right reasons might send the wrong message.
EPA’s decade-long failure to ban lead wheel weights leaves workers and families bearing the burden of exposure.
Lead exposure is a cardiovascular risk factor on par with high cholesterol, smoking, and high blood pressure. That message needs more attention.
There is a need for better point-of-care blood lead testing devices. We encourage all innovators to move forward with their devices.
EPA improved its Lead and Copper Rule and revamped its interior dust lead standards, turning years of talk about “no safe level of lead exposure” into policy and action.
FDA needs to get the lead and cadmium action levels out by December as promised and then do more to protect millions of infants and young children.
Predictive modeling provides estimate of LSLs for each utility and can be a platform to provide information on each home.
These changes can serve as a model to federal OSHA and other states.
Our research shows low compliance with lead certificates, but the sate’s rental registry could help.